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Sweet Dreams Page 4
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Page 4
Scarlett opened her eyes one by one and slowly erected herself. She was standing in the space of Ever Realm.
Calming her laughter, Cher smiled at the sight of her daughter. It’d been a while since she first went through this with Jenna. Now, she was with her youngest and her last. Cher shook her head at Scarlett and grabbed her hand. “Here, Dreamers can walk, fly, and jump however they wish. It’s a natural thing for us and comes from inside. You’ll get the hang of it.”
Scarlett nodded as she observed in wonder. She was there. Her mother looked on as they neared the other Dreamers when a thought came across Scarlett’s mind.
“Where are Dad and Jenna?”
“Your father wishes he could be here with you but his Dreamer duty is… more demanding than mine at the moment. As for Jenna, she’s filling in for me.”
“What does he do?” Scarlett asked as she instinctively gripped her mother’s hand when she dared to peek down. Her mother parted her mouth as if looking for what to say.
“Your father is out on the front lines, wringing the nightmares in or helping keep them in check when they get out of line. My work is more in the headquarters overseeing the nightmares and keeping tabs on their locations and status.”
Scarlett knew there was more to her mother’s answer but simply gave a clipped nod. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to process anything else since she was still bedazzled by Ever Realm’s beauty. Stars upon stars filled the dark space and a cool air surrounded Scarlett. It wasn’t cold and felt like a warm embrace that welcomed her.
They neared other Dreamers and Scarlett observed how they jumped, walked, and rose as they willed. She hoped to look as flawless and graceful as they did.
Craning her head to look behind, she saw her sister’s home gone and blended in with the other stars. Scarlett turned back around and was about to ask her mother when she caught sight of her answer. Stars from afar were turning into individual buildings and homes the Dreamers were letting themselves into.
Scarlett and her mother entered the crowd and worked their way through. Scarlett's eyes couldn’t stay in one place. They bounced from one person to another and the stars to see what building it hid. Each Dreamer had a unique armor with not a single one alike. Many different shades of color graced Ever Realm as each person moved about their daily lives.
Scarlett’s grip on her mother’s hand loosened as her fear changed into a child’s excitement at something new. She itched to explore and know everything there was to Ever Realm.
Her mother guided her toward one of the biggest stars. Despite its enormous size, its brightness was not harsh like the gateway light had been. It was alluring and softening to her eyes. As they neared, the star turned into a huge skyscraper with long wide buildings surrounding it. The space they walked on ended and was replaced with the steps to the building ahead. Scarlett’s heart pounded as she took her first steps towards an Ever Realm Center.
Upon entering the building, Scarlett was blinded by the shine of the floors and walls. The interior was polished shades of grey, black and white. Dreamers bustled around each other with bundles of papers, files, and folders. They seemed incredibly busy. A grey round front desk sat in the middle of the floor and Cher headed in its direction. Reaching the desk, she walked right past the waiting line of four to the front. The lady behind the desk sported a fiery red bob cut with armor to match. She snapped up from her computer, with a scowl gracing her pale face.
“I haven’t called –,” As soon as her green eyes laid sight on Scarlett’s mother, a big smile took the scowl’s place.
“Cher! I wasn’t expecting you today. Thought you’d be down by the stations right now with the recent events.”
Cher gestured toward Scarlett who stood at level height with her. “Ren, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Scarlett. She became a Dreamer yesterday.”
A squeal pierced the air and made Scarlett jump. Ren had gotten up from her seat and leaned over the desk, reaching to hug Scarlett. She awkwardly returned it and peeked out of the corner of her eye to her mother. Cher sported a blinding smile and Scarlett could spot proudness in her eyes. It warmed her to know her mother cared. She always had.
“It’s so good to finally meet you! I’ve heard quite a bit from your parents and Jenna. They sure weren’t kidding when they said you were beautiful!"
Scarlett blushed at Ren’s enthusiastic compliment and smiled. “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you too.”
Hearing the bustling of the people behind, Scarlett’s mother pushed things along. “I’m here to make sure Scarlett is all set to start in with the Youth Dreamers.”
“Ah yes! Let me double-check that for you and then you’ll be good on your way.” Ren sat back down and let her fingers type away as she checked on her monitor. “Hmm, it’s all good. Go ahead and take her through.”
“Thank you, Ren.” Cher pulled back from the desk and Scarlett followed suit as she gave Ren a small smile.
“Anytime ladies! See you around Scarlett.”
“NEXT!” She shouted. The person first in line grumbled but hurriedly made their way up to the desk. Scarlett shook her head. As much as a different Realm this was, the people acted and continued the same as they did on Earth. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
Scarlett and her mother made their way through a hall and exited the building. A freshness came over Scarlett as she stared at the stars and buildings nearby that dotted the black sky.
Her mother continued a few steps ahead and that’s when Scarlett felt it. A chill made its way down her spine and she froze at the familiarity of it. Her breath quickened as she swung her gaze around the scattered Dreamers and stars.
Nothing stuck out or caught her attention. Shaking the feeling, Scarlett turned back towards her mother and rushed to catch up.
Scarlett stared at the massive building. It wasn’t tall like the Center; instead, the building was wide and stretched far. There was nothing fancy about it. A plain steel gray coated the outside, and stripes of blacked-out windows lined the front. Nobody walked in or out of it. This must have something to do with the Youth Dreamers her mother asked Ren about.
They walked toward the giant double doors that automatically opened as they approached. Inside, the walls were smoky gray with speckles of white as if someone pulled back the tips of a paintbrush and let it rain down. There was no pattern or pretty design. It was a visual of chaos.
There was an office on the left side of the entrance. They were about to enter when a light lit from the collar of Cher’s armor. She paused and reached to press where the light emanated from. Scarlett observed in confusion and was about to ask what it was when she saw her mother’s expression stone. Eyebrows furrowed, her mother looked ahead as if she were paying attention to another. Yet, no one else was around.
The light dimmed and Cher stayed still.
“Mom?” Scarlett lightly called as she reached for her mother’s arm. Her mother shook her head and gave Scarlett a small smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. Scarlett immediately knew that something was bugging her.
“Is everything okay?”
“Something’s come up and I’m needed at the headquarters,” Cher announced as they continued towards the office. “I’m not going to be able to stay and give you a tour of the school. It’ll have to be with someone else.”
Scarlett nodded and understood when a word popped up flashing in her mind.
Of course, she’d have to do that. How else would she learn the ways of the Dreamers and Ever Realm?
Scarlett swallowed down the urge to turn around and continued with her mother. The office looked the same as the hall outside and had the same art on its walls. A male was behind the front desk and only the top of his head could be seen. At the sound of their footsteps, the man snapped his head up and familiar sky blue eyes met Scarlett’s. She stopped mid-step as her mother continued forward.
“Chad, what are you doing working the front de
sk?” asked Cher. He stood from his seat and the top of his dark green armor was visible above the desk.
“Emi had to take a break so I offered to cover a bit,” he said sheepishly. He gave a lopsided grin and looked at Scarlett. “Nice to see you again. Starting your first day of school today?”
The way he spoke made Scarlett want to barf. She stepped up from behind her mother and gave a small nod. Chad caught the hint that Scarlett was not fond of him.
“I won’t be able to administer her tour today. I would like you to carry it on for me. Don’t worry about the front desk duties. No one else will be coming in today aside from the ones already here.”
Scarlett noticed something: she hadn’t seen this side of her mother before. The only other time she saw it was when she was in charge of a project. This was different. Her mother’s voice dripped with authority and gave no room for opposition. Chad didn’t refuse either. He even lowered his head before making his way around the desk. Scarlett wouldn’t have noticed it if she weren’t paying attention.
“I’ll be here to get you once school lets out.” Scarlett got a short and sweet hug from her mother as she spoke.
“I love you,” Cher whispered in her ear and pulled back to give a small smile. Scarlett returned it and watched her exit the building.
She laser beamed the spot her mother occupied seconds ago, already dreading what she knew was to come. She closed her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek when a throat cleared. Scarlett opened them and stared at Chad who gestured for her to follow him out of the office.
“We’ll begin right through here.”
He watched the way she glanced around only to find nothing. He knew that deep down, she knew exactly what she was looking for but couldn’t find it.
He didn’t blame her, he hid well. He knew how to. Maybe it wasn’t advisable for him to continue sneaking around Ever Realm or Earth but how could he not? His main piece was only a few yards away.
The plan he’d been working hard for was finally in motion. He just needed to wait for the final touches to fall in place.
The girl shook her head and ran to catch up to her mommy dearest like a little duckling.
‘She’s a child.’
He dryly laughed at her naïve display. The minute any other Dreamer felt him, they would’ve alerted everyone in the quarter and been scared for their lives. But her… she didn’t know what she felt. Just like she didn’t know what caressed her on the hill. He made sure of that, as he kept it barely within her mind’s grasp.
The perfect candidate for what needed to get done. They’d officially meet soon enough and as difficult as it would for him to not interfere anymore, his goal would make sure to keep him in line. He needed to allow everything to flow smoothly.
Nothing would screw this up, because in the end, what would result from her death would be a change none of them saw coming.
Scarlett was not looking forward to any of it and yet, she found herself interested in all that Chad was informing her of.
They walked through grey and white halls before coming to an enormous gym. A ring sat in the middle of a track that ran through the edge of the room. On the edge of the track, punching bags and workout equipment dotted the space between the walls and the track. Not much equipment surrounded the ring, giving the area the space it needed. To the far left end of the gym, weapons decorated a wall from the ceiling to the floor. Scarlett’s jaw dropped and excitement filled her veins.
‘Holy shit. There's so many!’
Chad started as he walked in and stepped on the track. “This is the Dreamers training room, aka, the Activities Room. Yes, it does take up most of this school, and for good reason. It’s one of the most important things a Dreamer must go through. You’ll learn how to fight, defend yourself, and to build endurance, flexibility, and strength.”
Scarlett stared in awe at all of the equipment, her fingers itched to touch the weapons lining the wall to the far left wall. Chad turned over his shoulder and caught Scarlett’s line of sight. “This is the most loved and hated room, where you’ll be spending most of your time. Due to your arm still being injured, you’ll be taking it slow.”
Scarlett opened her mouth to oppose but Chad beat her to the chase. “Your mother’s orders.”
‘Of course.’ She thought.
Chad took Scarlett through the gym and showed her the equipment. They exited through the opposite end and entered another set of halls. These were much easier to navigate. Doors lined the walls, each leading to empty classrooms. Scarlett furrowed her brows as she realized there was no other students' insight.
“Where are all the other kids? Was there no school today?” she asked as they continued down the empty hall.
Chad slowed his stride and Scarlett could tell he was hesitating. He gave a small sigh before answering. “We have a few students left. They stay together and use one big room.”
“What do you mean by ‘left’? What happened to the others?”
Scarlett caught the slight drop in Chad’s shoulders and knew he didn’t want to explain. But if she was going to be there, she wanted to know what was going on.
“They didn’t make it. After the curse was placed on our rite of passage, the number of young Dreamers transitioning rapidly decreased. This school used to be filled with us.” He gestured to the surrounding rooms. “When the war began, many got thrust to the front lines, including the ones in school. All bodies were needed in that battle and most of us didn’t make it. The ones you see outside are some of the survivors. In a way, it was a messed up kind of graduation.”
“You were one of the young?” Scarlett asked as she looked up at Chad. His eyes darkened as he nodded.
“After the war, there were a few of us left and we waited for the new batch of Dreamers to arrive when we realized only a few were making it through the gate. Something was wrong, and we asked the few who made it through what happened during their transition. That’s when we first learned of the curse.” Chad crossed his arms as he looked up at the ceiling. “Statistically speaking, you are a part of the fortunate twenty percent that manage to make it past the gateway, the other eighty die trying.”
They continued the tour and their talk was less. Scarlett would open her mouth to speak only to quickly shut it. What else could she possibly say?
Chad showed her down a few more halls before coming to a stop in front of a closed door. He put his hand on the handle and glanced back at Scarlett.
Scarlett gave a clipped nod and straightened her shoulders. She could do this.
Chad opened the door and walked in with Scarlett following suit. About fifty students were spread across the classroom's seats with the professor at the front of the room in front of a giant chalkboard.
“You’ve got a new one, Sir.” Chad placed a hand on Scarlett’s shoulder and moved her in front of him. “Everyone, this is Scarlett, our newest Dreamer. You already know how this goes, so I expect the best from you all.” Nods and murmurs followed throughout the room. Scarlett waved but didn’t smile.
Chad lowered his head to her ear. “You’ll be great. They don’t bite.” She lightly turned towards him and caught the small grin that made itself known for a few seconds. Scarlett popped a small grin of her own, making Chad’s grow even more. He nodded at the professor before leaving the room.
Chad knew Scarlett needed some support. Her parents and sister were busy, leaving her to navigate this part alone. He wouldn’t and couldn’t let her do that. With every kid that came through their gates, he would help them in any way he could.
To Scarlett, his effort didn’t go unnoticed.
“Alright Miss Scarlett, take a seat wherever you wish and follow along.” The professor shifted and returned his attention to the board. He was a tall bald man that screamed authority with every spoken word. His stern face shone with an age older than her parents and untol
d experience. He wasn’t just a teacher, as the surface of his armor was covered with scars. Patches clear of scratch indicated that he had extra armor he wasn’t wearing.
Scarlett dropped her smile and searched for an empty seat.
One at the top back of the class caught her attention and she made her way towards it. Other Dreamers stared as she passed. Their armors were adorned with unique colors, mainly dull and light tones. To think they all went through what she did was difficult for her to wrap her head around. They were survivors while the others died horribly. It made goosebumps rise across her arms and the back of her neck.
Sitting in her seat, Scarlett made it her mission to take in as much knowledge as she could about Ever Realm. If she was going to succeed, in whatever she’d be put into, she wanted to know it all.
“Ever Realm has seen many wars throughout its entire existence. But none compare to the horror that occurred at the short time of seven years ago. Ever Realm always had its constant battles with the nightmares and other monsters that lay about. That was a balance that never ended. Until the most horrific and grueling of them all, the King of the Dark Realm, Edgar Azur. No one personally knew of him, but when rumors started arising that he was somehow controlling the nightmares, people shook their heads the other way. For, there was no known way to communicate with the nightmares.” The professor waved his hands around as he moved his gaze around the room.
“And, due to our people’s ignorance, Edgar grew to become the most feared being in Ever Realm history.”
Scarlett held her breath and leaned forward in her seat. She placed her elbows on the table and moved her hands under her chin. She wanted more. The professor continued.
“He managed to find a way to communicate and control them all and not only oversee. You see, Edgar was the most dangerous kind of nightmare, he could disguise himself as a Dreamer. Every single nightmare that was low enough to join and trust his word, followed him. All because he promised them something they so dearly wanted. Which was…” The professor looked around the room and pointed towards a girl that sat in the middle.