Sweet Dreams Page 3
Roger’s parents huddled together on the chairs and held each other’s hands. They had changed to comfort clothes and had their eyes closed. They looked at peace at least, even if they were asleep.
Cher caught sight of Scarlett first.
She screamed and jumped up as she met Scarlett’s honey brown eyes. Cher threw her arms around her daughter and a heave left Scarlett as she was squished. Scarlett lifted her arms to return the hug only to find that her right arm was not in a sling and yet, it hurt all the same. She hissed at the use of her arm and squeezed her eyes shut. A throbbing pain made its way up and down her arm and she sucked in a breath through her clenched teeth.
Cher quickly let go of Scarlett and backed away to sit beside her. Roger and his parents had gotten up and were alert at the edge of the bed. A smile graced their faces at the sight of Scarlett’s wide eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Her father asked as he rushed around to be beside her mother. He grabbed ahold of Scarlett’s left hand and enclosed both of his hands around hers.
“I... I don’t know.” Scarlett responded as everything slowly pieced itself together in her mind. Her thoughts buzzed as memories settled themselves. Scarlett squeezed her eyes shut and ached to forget everything. Deep down, she knew that she relished at the thought of knowing such things. She didn’t want to forget but didn’t want to accept it either. Scarlett observed her family as a question she’d forgotten to ask Jenna came to the forefront of her mind. She noticed her mother begin to open her mouth but quickly beat her.
“Did you know?” Scarlett asked.
The room became silenced as if muted and her parents froze while her grandparents winced. Scarlett locked eyes with her grandmother who offered her a sympathetic smile. She swallowed the growing lump in her throat and dreaded the answer she already knew to come.
Another second and someone had yet to respond.
“A warning would’ve been nice.” Scarlett croaked into the thickening air. It began to feel as if a weight was being thrown on top of her chest. She gripped the blankets beneath her and curled her toes.
‘I hate this,’ she thought as a tear made itself known and slid from the corner of her eye. Roger lifted his head, catching the tear as it slid its way down Scarlett’s cheek.
“We did know.” Her father softly spoke. He bent to wipe the tears flowing down Scarlett’s face. “We wanted to tell you, but we weren’t able too. I don’t know how much Jenna told you, but the curse that was placed on Dreamers prevents them from telling others that they’re Dreamers till the night of their eighteenth birthday.” He paused as he lowered himself to sit beside Scarlett. Her mother leaned against the bed and clenched her jaw as she stared off into the distance.
“If we’d have told you, it would’ve lowered your chances of making it through the gateway. When a Dreamer is aware of what comes, the curse shifts to become unpredictable once again. A Dreamer has never made it past when it does.”
Scarlett nodded through a stiff neck. She understood why they did it. In a messed up way, they were giving her the best chance of survival she could get. The ugly curling of betrayal stung at her heart but she numbed and pushed it aside.
“Why did you want to speak with me if I wouldn’t have been able to know anything?”
“A cryptic message?” Roger offered with a wince.
Scarlett shook her head and was simply grateful to be there with her family. It was enough to overcome the ugly feelings, leaving them to be in the shadows.
“Are Jenna and I the only Dreamers?” Cher's shoulders slightly lowered, grateful for the switch of topic.
“Your father and I are as well.” She locked eyes with Roger’s mother. “Even Grandma Ruth.”
Scarlett nodded and peeked at the only normal one of them all. Her grandfather’s eyes held empathy and she was grateful to not see pity. She wanted to grasp onto something normal and her grandfather gave her that.
“I suppose I’m the lucky one.” He threw out.
Grandma Ruth smacked her husband on the back of the head and scowled. He let out a small eye crinkling laugh that touched Scarlett’s heart. She joined him with a broken one of her own and mouthed ‘thank you.’
She needed it.
Scarlett’s grandparents left the room to resume their packing. They came for what they needed to know and were free to return home. They had their lives to get back to and as much as it stung Scarlett, she understood that her transition couldn’t hold them back. Her parents didn’t leave her side for a second even though they dearly needed to fix themselves. Her father stood beside her mother who sat on the edge of the bed and kept her gaze locked on Scarlett’s face.
“Roger, can you bring me the kit for her arm?” Cher’s question snapped Roger out of his thoughts and reminded him of his daughter’s injury.
He nodded his head and moved to leave, but turned around and dropped a kiss on Cher’s head. He whispered something in her ear and Scarlett couldn’t hear his words. Roger moved towards Scarlett and wrapped her in a tight embrace making sure to be careful with her injured arm. She sunk into her father’s hug and relished the warmth and comfort his body brought her.
“I love you, my sweet girl.” Roger kissed her on the cheek before he made his way out of the room.
Cher slowly climbed onto the bed beside Scarlett and carefully wrapped her arms around her shoulders and head, bringing her to her chest. She placed her head atop Scarlett’s while curling her body inward.
Scarlett felt a drop land on her hair which was followed by another. Her mother’s chest quivered as if she were trying to suppress her tears.
“I’m so sorry,” Cher choked out. “I’m just so happy you made it through. I don’t know what I’d do if something ever happened to you.”
Scarlett’s heart pained at the sound of her mother’s words and sniffles. She wrapped her good arm around her but felt no tears follow. She didn’t feel the urge to cry. Scarlett squeezed and let herself mold to her mother’s body as they laid there for who knew how long. She closed her eyes and wished everything could feel this comforting and peaceful.
The door softly creaked.
Scarlett opened her eyes to see her father slowly enter the room with a small red kit in hand. He walked to the bed and handed it to her mother. Cher sat up and helped Scarlett into an upright position. She carefully wrapped her arm in a sling as her father walked around the bed to sit beside Scarlett on the right.
“Physical injuries from Ever Realm do not transfer back. However, the pain from them does,” Cher explained as she finished the sling. Once done, her father encircled his long arms around Scarlett and her mother.
They sat in silence, letting their love and warmth move between them. There was no other place in the world that Scarlett would rather be.
The evening sun shone low in the sky, illuminating the fields beyond the hill Scarlett stood on. She’d left the ranch to go to her favorite spot when she wanted to be alone. Atop her hill was a small flat area surrounded by towering trees. They gave her the perfect shade from the outside world. Scarlett took in the sun’s warming rays as they painted the sky hues of oranges, purples, and blues. Clouds were speckled throughout with each in its unique shape. Scarlett took slow deep breaths, inhaling the fresh air the trees had to offer.
It wasn’t working.
Scarlett loved the feeling of being surrounded by nature but it wasn’t enough. So much was pent up in her that if it didn’t get released, she’d burst. Scarlett let out an exasperated sigh and threw her head back. She leaned against the tree and with difficulty, got up from the ground. As she dusted herself off, a lone rock in the middle of the grass caught her attention. She picked it up and examined its flat, yet bumpy surface. It was pretty solid and fit well in her hand. She looked beyond her hill, out into the rolling ones which were identical but smaller than hers.
Using her left arm, Scarlett cranked her arm back and threw the rock as hard as she could. The rock flew from her
fingertips high into the sky before beginning its curving descent into a tree below. Scarlett felt something give inside her. She picked up another rock and did the same, except a laugh accompanied this one. Soon, many followed.
Rocks flew from her hand as laughs, curses, and yells left her lips. She stopped picking up rocks and turned around. Scarlett laid eyes on the tree behind her and felt an itching need. She fisted her hand and punched the tree screaming at the top of her lungs. She was pretty sure she looked like an unhinged person, however, the pent-up emotions of anger, betrayal, and fear were finally emptying from her mind. Deflating like a balloon that was on the verge of exploding and damaging everything around. Her breathing was heavy and hurried as sweat lined her forehead.
Scarlett’s hand was throbbing in pain from the one punch and her knuckles were scratched and swelling. They’d reddened and were on the verge of breaking her skin. She wound her arm back when the snapping of a twig reached her ears. She hastily turned in its direction and came face to face with a man.
He had the palest skin she’d ever seen, yet it wasn’t pasty. His dark grey eyes pierced her own as she felt a shiver crawl its way down her spine. Scarlett straightened herself and took a step back.
“You are going to break more than an arm if you continue throwing those kinds of punches, especially at a tree.” He gestured towards her clenched fist which was dropped at her side. His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his black jeans. Everything about him was black except for his skin. His tailored hair was jet black and ruffled and he wore a black button-up with matching jeans and black shoes.
‘How can someone look so good?’
As the thought flitted through Scarlett’s mind, she widened her eyes and composed herself.
“Thanks, but your input is not needed,” Scarlett responded as she took a step back. She'd worn one of her black sweaters with plain faded jeans and felt underdressed compared to him. It was odd that he was dressed so formally and yet, casually. Nobody else should have been there. In all the times she’d gone to this spot, not once had anyone gone by. A feeling of unease settled in the pit of her stomach. Scarlett needed to leave.
“How rude of me,” the man shook his head with a light laugh. “Let me introduce myself. I am Cain.”
He extended his arm and held it out for a shake. He gave Scarlett a grin that looked anything but friendly. She kept her hands to her sides and made no move to shake his. Instead, she raised a brow and cocked her head.
‘Who the hell is he?’
He kept his expression passive and gave no sign aside from a glint in his eye. As much as she wanted to be irritated by this handsome man, she found herself dangerously intrigued.
‘He is quite good-looking.’ Scarlett shook her head and scoffed at the thought. Something about him drew her, not that she’d let it be known to him. Instead, Scarlett moved to make her way around Mr. mysterious to go back home.
‘This is ridiculous.’ She made sure to keep the width of space between Cain as she circled past. Scarlett laughed under her breath for even entertaining the lingering thoughts and the unknown man before her.
Cain kept his eyes on her as a predator would with its prey. He kept his expression neutral, not letting a single sign of a twitch pass. He’d perfected the art and joy sparked within him as he knew he’d accomplished his objective. As she passed, Cain released a whispering slither of his power and let it caress her cheek.
Scarlett stopped dead in her tracks. The familiarity of the caress had her whipping her head around, only to find Cain gone. She glanced all around to not find a single trace of him.
He’d vanished.
Her body went rigid and she grew torn at the feelings that coursed through her.
The caress was the same she’d felt at the gateway.
When the wind was carrying her backward and when the muck was crawling its way up her body.
Scarlett rushed her way back home, not once glancing back. She kept to herself, deciding to not tell anyone about her mysterious encounter.
‘Who was he?'
‘What was that feeling?’
‘Was it even from him?’
‘Where else would it have come from?’
All these questions, but not a single answer. Lost in her thoughts, Scarlett hadn’t noticed someone turning the corner of the hall. They knocked heads and the person fell backward onto the floor. Scarlett stayed standing and clutched her head in her hand. The spot of impact warmed and gave a dull throb.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!” Scarlett rushed as she stretched her hand out. She’d bumped into one of the help that assisted in maintaining their home. The lady had a book in her arms and rubbed her head.
“It is fine, I wasn’t paying attention either.” The woman grabbed a hold of Scarlett’s hand and got up from the floor. She finally glanced up and realized who she’d bumped into.
“Oh, Scarlett! You’re here dear. Your mother is awaiting you up in her bedroom.”
Scarlett paused before nodding at the lady and thanking her for relaying the message.
She wondered what the talk would be about now. The last time her parents requested her presence, things didn’t exactly go well. Scarlett made her way up to her parents’ bedroom, as it was on the second floor and a few halls down from hers. She reached their wide double doors and let herself in.
Cher and Roger stood in the middle of the room facing each other. They’d finally changed and showered. Whatever they were discussing was dropped as soon as Scarlett entered the room.
“Ah, you’re back.” Her mother walked up to her and gave a quick hug. “Tonight will be your first official day as a Dreamer and you’ll need to learn the ups and downs of the realm.”
Scarlett’s heartbeat rose, in excitement or fear, she didn’t know. Maybe it was both. Her mother kept a hand on her shoulder as she led her towards the bed in the middle of the room while her father moved toward the door. “You two have fun and be careful; I’ve got some other duties to take care of. Love you both.”
As her father left, Scarlett’s breath quickened at a realization. Cher caught the look that flashed across Scarlett’s face. “You won’t have to go through that twice, it’s only the first time. The times that follow are even quite blissful. I promise.”
At her mother’s reassurance, Scarlett took deep breaths as she lowered onto the bed. Her mother went around and laid next to Scarlett. They faced the ceiling as a silence washed over them. Feeling the pull from her mind, Scarlett searched for her mother’s hand and gripped it. It was squeezed back and before she knew it, she was taken under the darkness and light.
A yellow ceiling greeted Scarlett as she blinked her eyes open. She slowly sat up as confusion filled her.
“Back here?” she murmured as she glanced around the empty bedroom. Footsteps alerted Scarlett and she snapped her gaze to the door as her mother walked through.
Cher no longer wore the casual clothes she had on back home. Instead, she wore a dark magenta armor, similar to one she’d seen on Chad when she first woke up in this place. It fit perfectly to her form and was carved with intricate symbols making Scarlett’s eyes widen in awe.
“How’re you feeling?” Cher asked as she walked around the bed. “Look at your armor!”
Scarlett glimpsed down and noticed what she was wearing. A light gray armor covered her body and fit snuggly, hugging every curve. Yet, it was hard at the same time. She shifted to get out of the bed and found that it was incredibly easy to move around. Although the armor was thick, it gave way for all movement.
Upon seeing her attire, Scarlett noticed that her mother's had more bulk and a dark red cloth hung between her shoulders on the back. Everything else looked as if it were melded for her body.
Cher took notice of Scarlett’s gaze. “Every Dreamer comes into Ever Realm in their armor. The oldest and most experienced have developed theirs with personal designs, added armor, and scars from t
heir battles. Young Dreamers have plain ones at first.”
“Do I get to choose the color of my armor?”
“The color of your armor chooses you.” Scarlett nodded at her mother's words and gave the room a look with her nose scrunched upward. “Will I be waking up here every time?”
“Yes, for now. This is your designated wake-up room and you can thank your sister for that. Until you get your place in Ever Realm, you’ll be seeing her ugly choice in color.” Cher laughed out the last of her words as a burst of laughter left Scarlett.
‘I couldn’t agree more.’ Jenna had a strange obsession with yellow.
Cher walked toward the giant window in front of the bed and slid the glass to the side. Scarlett hadn’t noticed it was a sliding door.
“We’re going out there?” Scarlett wrung her fingers as she tried to gulp down the dryness of her throat.
Ever Realm.
Right there before her.
“Come on, Scar.” Her mother called as she stepped out with no visible ground beneath her feet. She took a few more steps and motioned for Scarlett to follow. Scarlett froze and widened her eyes.
She wasn’t ready for this.
Sensing Scarlett’s hesitation, Cher turned around and walked back while shaking her head with a little laugh. She grabbed ahold of Scarlett’s hand and eased her closer to the edge of the hardwood floor and the unknown space. “Just take a step Scar, you’ll see.”
Cher pulled Scarlett enough that she began to tilt out of the room. If Scarlett didn’t take a step, she’d fall face first. Squeezing her eyes shut, Scarlett blindingly took the step. Her stomach dropped down to her toes as she fell to her knees. A yelp left her lips and she kept her eyes glued shut. Her mother, on the other hand, was finding her struggle amusing. Cher’s laughter filled the air as she clutched her waist.